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Become An
Alamo Fireworks
Stand/Store Operator

Whether you're a nonprofit looking to raise funds, a school teacher looking for something to do with your time off, or you're just looking to make money fast - becoming an Alamo Fireworks Operator is the solution for you.

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What is an

An Alamo Fireworks operator is someone who is bold, brave and loves a challenge.

When you apply to become an Alamo Operator, you apply to become the boss of your very own fireworks stand.

You run the show for a couple of weeks, then take home a percentage of the money from the fireworks sold.



The more fireworks you sell, the more money you make. We provide all operators up to 18.5% discount.

The average first time stand operator makes between $2,000-$5,000. If you're feeling fired up, you can make so much more.

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We've been around for over 50 years, so you could say we're the ultimate fireworks pros. Here are just a few of the many perks of working with Alamo:

• Prime locations with high volume stands
• National digital and print advertising
• 18.5% discount for all operators - including first timers

We make sure our operators are equipped for success by providing:

• Fireworks stand with all necessary equipment
• Electricity  • Location preparation
• Sales tools and aids  • All required licenses

Become An Operator

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Do you have any prior experience selling fireworks?
Do you have an RV?
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